We arrived here after a very long flight Saturday early afternoon to see the Trick or Treaters out and about in the neighborhood. The other families that Brian knows through work also bought us dinner that night. Everyone has been super nice. Mikaela is still adjusting to the time change. Waking up around 2am wide awake. That is not fun. I have no pictures yet but I have just now unpacked all of the bags and trying to organize things. We have met the owners of the house and they are very nice. Which is good because there are a lot of antique pieces in this house and we have a 2 year old. Granted she is a good 2 year old. Internet is not the best over here so things will be very hit or miss. I really would like to talk to some people from back home.
I did drive the car for the first time today!!! Interesting. I did not leave the neighborhood. There is a shopping center directly across the street from the estate. Maybe tomorrow if I am feeling brave. Brian and I have gone to some of the bigger stores which is not far. However, nothing opens before 9am and closes by 5:30 or 7 at the latest. Hard for Brian to get home from work then go to the store with me. I have not found coffee filters to go with the coffee maker in the house so mornings have been a slow start. Not to mention that they start at 2am with Mikaela.
Mikaela and I did go to the park today. It is a nice breezy 81 degrees. There is no air conditioning in the house but every window is open and it is not bad at all. We have had some awesome storms since we have been here. Almost every night. It ends as quick as it comes. But the lightning streaks are magnificent.
I will try to keep this up dated and get pictures on here as soon as I snap a few.