
Mikaela's last check up

Mikaela's last check up went well. Dr. Kubicki was pleased with her weight gain and the negative test results. We are continuing with the medicine for now. She is starting to coo more and smile at different people. She can hold up her head briefly. She enjoys her tummy time, working on arm and leg muscles. God help us when she becomes mobile, because it seems she is ready to go.

weight 10 pounds 8 ounces
that is 50% on the growth chart

length 22.5 inches
that is 75% on growth chart

head circumference 37.5 cm
that is upper part of 25% on growth chart

6 & 7 weeks old

tummy time with daddy


Labor Day

The Beddingfield's had some friends over for Labor Day. Several people got to hold Mikaela but Katie Baker was the lucky one when I snapped these shots.

Noah and Nathan at Bass Mountain

Mikaela's first time at Bass Mountain

I feel like I spent a good portion of my childhood at Bass Mountain at the bluegrass festivals. This past weekend, Mikaela had her first experience at a bluegrass festival. At 5 weeks old, I think she did really well. I personally did not hold her very much. She was a very popular girl. Pop Pop took her to meet everyone in the "bluegrass family". He was just a little proud of his new granddaughter!
Noah is great with his new cousin. He enjoys holding her and learning what she can do and can't do. He is very attentive.
Nathan is busy busy busy all the time. Always on the move. When Mikaela gets older and can move too, he may be a bit more interested.

Mikaela at Grandpa's house

Brian's dad and Debbie kept Mikaela one day while we were at the festival. This is a picture that they took. She looks so big.

Mikaela's Tests Results

Mikaela has had some issues with her digestive system and lack of elimination. Her pediatrician wanted some tests done to ensure that things were okay, so we were sent to get an ultrasound of her spinal cord and a barium enema. She was being tested for a tethered spinal cord and Hirschsprung's disease. Both test were negative and the radiologists said she could find nothing wrong with the spinal cord or Mikaela's bowels. We go to the pediatrician again on Sept. 10th for shots so I am sure we will discuss the tests and Mikaela's "movements". She has been much more regular since the enema, so I think things will be o.k. She weighed 10 pounds when we went so she is gaining weight.