I had an appointment with the midwife this morning and everything is going well. My blood pressure was a little bit high for me. My uterus is measuring the way it is supposed to be. Mikaela's heart rate is good. I am 1 cm dilated and I think she said 60% effaced. Mikaela is at +2 station in my pelvis. The midwife stripped my membranes this morning and she said that if my body is ready then I could go into labor within 24 hours. If not, then my next appointment is scheduled for next Thursday. So I guess it is up to Mikaela and what she wants to do.
I'll keep you posted.
37 week update
I had my 37 week appointment with my midwife today. I started to have some Braxton Hicks the past couple of days and I told her about them. We decided to check Mikaela's placement and see how I was progressing. She said I was about a finger tip wide and starting to thin. Mikaela is down in my pelvis. My midwife said she was pleased with how things were progressing. I have good blood pressure still and only gained half a pound since last Thursday. My swelling is still bad. She said she was not concerned as long as my blood pressure stayed as is, there was no protein in my urine and I was not having headaches or vision disturbances. So far I have not experienced any of those symptoms. My next appointment is on June 30th at 8am. She mentioned that she may strip my membranes if she feels my body is ready. Of course I had to ask what that meant and I found out that it basically helps the progression of labor more naturally. Someone said it feels like a pap smear. (Sorry fellas if you are reading this). I will try to keep this blog updated but forgive me if things start going quickly. I've gone through a little nesting phase and everyone seems to think that I am very close now. I guess I am leaving it up to Mikaela. But I am going to pack my bag!
Wilson/Wright Baby Shower
June 15th, Cathy, Nancy, Tracey, Kristi and Robin hosted a baby shower at Amanda Point for me. They had a nursery rhyme theme. We played games such as unscrambling the letters to baby items and nursery rhyme titles and answering questions about common nursery rhymes. Some were difficult. The decorations were adorable and the food magnificent. The Carvel cake was one of my favorites. Here a few pictures. Of course the batteries went dead in my camera before the shower was over, so I hope that some of other "photographers" will send me there snap shots.
nursery progression
Day by Day
I had an appointment with the midwife yesterday. She measured my belly and it is where it is supposed to be in size. I have gained 41/2 pounds but she took one look at my ankles and said that my ankles and legs are probably the reason for the weight gain. My blood pressure is still fine. We listened to Mikaela's heart beat and it is strong and beating about 140 bpm. Right on target. I am actually feeling Mikaela move right now. Of course I have had about 1/2 cup of coffee within the last hour.
I have another appointment on Thursday for my 37th week. My midwife told me she probably would not check to see if I was beginning to dilate til my 38th week unless I simply wanted her to check. I'll keep you posted.
I have another appointment on Thursday for my 37th week. My midwife told me she probably would not check to see if I was beginning to dilate til my 38th week unless I simply wanted her to check. I'll keep you posted.
36 weeks
As of yesterday, I am 36 weeks and I guess I should be packing a bag instead of playing on the computer.
I had a doctor's appointment last week and everything looked good. Mikaela was in a head down position, which I am glad. Hopefully she won't flip. I go again this coming Thursday.
This weekend was action packed with Noah's ball game, Earl's 80th birthday party and 2 baby showers. Hopefully I will get some pictures up.
Brian and I took some maternity pictures a few weeks ago. I am going to try to figure out how to get them on this blog, but until I do, go to www.atimelessimage.com. click on "clients" and type "mandy" and it should pull up the pictures. Enjoy.
I had a doctor's appointment last week and everything looked good. Mikaela was in a head down position, which I am glad. Hopefully she won't flip. I go again this coming Thursday.
This weekend was action packed with Noah's ball game, Earl's 80th birthday party and 2 baby showers. Hopefully I will get some pictures up.
Brian and I took some maternity pictures a few weeks ago. I am going to try to figure out how to get them on this blog, but until I do, go to www.atimelessimage.com. click on "clients" and type "mandy" and it should pull up the pictures. Enjoy.

May is the month for graduations. Over Mother's Day weekend, Amy (my step sister) graduated from Jefferson College of Health Sciences with an AD in Respiratory Therapy. Over Memorial Day weekend, Barrett graduated from the MBA program at Elon University. Nathan, my youngest nephew, graduated from pre-school. Here are some of the pictures. Congrats to all of the graduates and their accomplishments. Here are a few pictures of the graduates and family members.
33 week update
I had a doctor's appointment for my 33 week check up last week. Mikaela is measuring where she is supposed to be measuring and her heart rate was 137. My ankles are REALLY swollen and my fingers are numb from swelling but other than that, I am good. My blood pressure is fine, if not low. Of course, I am not drinking enough water, but in order to drink all that I am supposed to, I would have to where a camel pack and insert a foley to get through the day! So, it simply will probably not happen.
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