


Mikaela in the office helping her daddy. She is pulling up on everything and really coming into her own personality.


active little girl

Wilson family visit

volleyball practice

We have already gotten out the volleyball for her to get used to it..... ; )

Valentine's Day 2009

March 2009

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated the blog. Mikaela is mobile now and my life is not my own. Even now as I type, I am scared to move the chair in fear of running over busy little fingers. Mikaela is crawling around everywhere, opening cabinets, pulling up on furniture. She is very curious. She slept through 2 nights this past week, so mommy and daddy are very thankful.
I have several pictures and even a few videos that I am going to try to upload. I don't know in what order any of this is.

by the way, i don't think I have given 6month check up measurements: length 27 inches. weight 15pounds 14 ounces, head circumference 42.5 cm. she is healthy, minor an ear infection she dealt with beautifully. Her two front teeth are coming in so EVERYTHING that her hands touch, goes to her mouth - keeping Brian and me on our toes.

I will have to post pictures and videos later, she is calling (crying).....